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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

And above all the bustle you hear....silver bells.....

 Even in Italy people's nerves can become a bit frayed around the holidays.  My husband and not one, but two doors left to slam in his face the other day while running errands.  

I witnessed an older guy pull up to the pharmacy...right in front of the door (not supposed to be done) with the headlights on and glaring into the floor to ceiling windows.  He then got out, leaving the car and headlights on, and sauntered into the pharmacy without a mask (also not done, there is a mandate here).  I was next and I was able to go in because there was no one else there, but I kept my distance because of maskless Marco.  By the time I entered the dottoressa behind the counter was already scolding him.  To top it off, she was by herself when there are usually two or three people working at a time.

"Aspetta fuori!!"  Wait outside!  He traipsed back to his car, still leaving the lights at full blast, while she proceeded to fill his request.  Apologizing to me, she went out to his car with the prescription and soon came back in FUMING because he apparently asked for another item.  I told her not to worry, it was not a problem.  But Mr. Entitled took up a good portion of time out of either selfishness or cluelessness.

On the other hand, the town looks festive and while chilly, the rains have ended for now, so the skies are clear and crisp.  The kids have their ice rink up and running.  And I got a little surprise.

Every Natale we give cakes and large bottles of prosecco as gifts to certain friends.  Last year, we had stopped at the pasta/bakery near the wine store and stocked up on tortellini and pizza dolce for ourselves.  By the time we were done in the wine store, we were loaded down with so much stuff!  Our cart and extra bags were full and we were getting tired, still with a bit of a trek ahead of us.  Then I was informed that I was eligible for a free bottle of wine!  My husband said we had too much to deal with already.  😕So, we went on our way.  

Between Covid and the fact that this store is a long walk away from our door, we have not been back in an entire year!!!  However, they still had me on their computer for the "gift" bottle!  Gosh, I didn't expect a gift and figured after a year that little pleasant surprise would be null and void.  Che carino!

This morning, while having my big, hot cup of strong, strapping black tea, I was perusing an article on the internet about a man who was bequeathed an old, dilapidated house via his grandmother and happened to find an underground safe hidden in a closet. In the safe he found a very valuable coin collection.  Then I started to hear a strange sound and at first I thought it was intrusive advertisement from the website.  I had four cats in the room with me and all their heads went up, eyes wide with fear and WTF?  and then they all SCRAMMED for parts unknown, like under the bed and to the back room where they feel safe.  I'm still sitting there wondering what the hell is going on????  The sound, it seemed was either coming from the street or the courtyard.

(I should add that our front buzzer was buzzed and my husband was in the courtyard expecting a delivery).  It wasn't a delivery.  I gathered my senses and opened our inner door to see the lady in the apartment next door, one of the part time people from the second floor who are here for Natale and my husband listening to a man dressed in Alpine garb playing what looked somewhat like a primitive bagpipe.  Yes, it was musical...but like nothing I had ever heard before.  Something like a bagpipe but also sort of like an accordion.  I would have taken a video but he was done with his little concert.  My husband did manage a still shot.  In lieu of carolers, which we don't seem to have here, this was another pleasant, although a bit novel, surprise.

I have another hospital stay looming in the very near future, so this blog will be quiet for a while.  I'm hoping to be home by Christmas day, hoping all goes well. 

In the meantime, enjoy whatever holiday you choose and let us all hope for a better New Year to come.  

Here is Imp.......