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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

When the rain comes....

 Relentless.  It is relentless.  Not like when we were kids...and it rained for a day...maybe two. it rains for an entire week.  It rains for an entire season.  It rains and rains and rains.

And I know damned well it is burning elsewhere.  It is burning in Canada!!!  Canada???  It is heating up in Oregon and Washington state.  

I see the reports of hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones....Auntie Em!!!!  I see them, of course.  How can you not?  How can you not?  Except many do....they ignore it...."just the normal rhythm."

  No it isn't.  That ...THAT is total nonsense.

I do not understand the apathy about this. But, then again, I don't understand why Al Gore wasn't President. Well, yes, I understand it...from a political and selfish point of view....but I don't UNDERSTAND IT from a human point of view.  I will never understand how perverted my country became, how perverted the entire species became. 

It is May in southern Italy...and I am still in sweatshirts...plural...and two layers of socks.  What scares me is that, if this year follows the same pattern as last year, the weather could change on a dime and suddenly turn hot.  With no respite. For weeks or perhaps months. Neither option is appealing.

I am a self hating human. 

I accept that. I hate it, but I accept it.