Don't get me wrong....I have posted already about the clean, pristine air, the amazing, natural food and the gorgeous vistas. And, I don't "blame" Italy for the things I do complain about. Much of what I find frustrating is because we are in a small town. Would I rather be somewhere else? Likely, but there are tax advantages to be here which expats like us would not have in a larger town or small city. So, here we are.
We live on what is called a "piazzetta"...not a piazza, which is larger and likely has businesses. This is a small piazzetta at the end of a narrow block that leads to the passaggiatta that rings around the outside on this side of town. Much like the dead end blocks I knew as a kid that ended in what we called "courts"...a rounded section at the end. There are no businesses here, other than a small dance studio for little girls. Just us folks, a couple of little tiny children...a teen.
Someone decided this would be a great place to hold a 3 night "festa." The town granted a permit for it, which really surprises me, but.....
This was what I saw this morning right outside our front door.
Last night, starting at 7pm and going to midnight, they had food and music. Meaning there were amplifiers right outside our door and our window. Right OUTSIDE our living room. So, for the sake of this "festa" the residents were all disrupted and inconvenienced and downright angry.
Oh, yeah, and those people with cars? They had to move then and keep them moved for FIVE days.
Because we had been out earlier in the day, we had pizza to heat in the microwave. I holed up in the bedroom with Netflix (and earplugs) and several scared cats. My husband was in the kitchen with his computer. The living room was unlivable. And it will be unlivable tonight and tomorrow night, too. Even with everything shut, including our front shutters, the relentless boom of the speakers penetrated our home. BOOM...BOOM...BOOM.
When I was finally tired enough to go to bed, I returned my computer to the living room for charging. The damned room was shaking, as if a small earthquake was going on ....and on....and on.
Public piazzas are there for the public. There are businesses all around. Yes, there are some residents, but they have to know what living in or near a public piazza means. THIS is NOT a public piazza. I'm angry that I cannot enjoy my own fucking living room. I'm angry about the relentless noise. My husband has told me three times today that his ears are still ringing. I'm angry that the town would allow this to take place in a residential area. Poor judgement, poor management....whatever. In my opinion, this just isn't right and likely would not happen in a less rural environment.