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Tuesday, December 20, 2022

It's that time of year

 Slowly, slowly...I am recovering from an entire year in hell.  I have come full circle, now past the time when this terrible cycle began.  Happy to be slowly reclaiming my life again.

The weather lately has been very wet and miserable.  We have been in deep "Transylvania" for quite a bit.

However, I have been willing myself out several times a week in spite of the weather, and the week ahead is predicted to be unseasonably warm and sunny.

Decorations in town are up.  Sadly, a long time sundries store...he has everything...from safety pins, ceramics, garbage pails, cleansers, wine in a box, cat and dog food, shampoo, in home garbage pails...all kinds of stuff, is leaving us.  Donato, and his wife Antonetta, are retiring after he suffered (somehow, we don't know the details) an accident to his hand, leaving him minus the tops of several fingers.  I am determined to make it there in a couple of days to wish them well. 

The town is decked out for the holidays.  The ridiculous ice rink...even slightly bigger this year than in years past....(Why?) and the lovely lights. 

I am now preparing, or should I say pre-preparing the stuffing, since we just get a turkey breast...more than enough for just the two of us.  Already planning my post-Christmas meals.   Turkey pie, turkey soup....and sandwiches!!!  

We will walk to the now only open pasticcieria (bakery) here in the "old town" pick up our cakes later this for us, the others are gifts.  

I have to mention that the house is kind of chilly...we have set the thermostat lower due to the war in Ukraine and the gas shortage....we do have two electric heaters....but they only do so much, with plaster walls and ceramic floors.  So, I wear several layers on my feet and body.   We are lucky the weather remains mild.

We snuggle up to Netflix, have kitties all around us....good, clean, unadulterated food...its all good, really.  

My sincere wishes to everyone for a happy holiday season and please, please, let it be a better new year!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you are better. Be careful outside as covid is still with us. I wish you, Roger, and the clowns a Merry Christmas and next year has to be better.
