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Saturday, August 3, 2019

We're gonna get married....

Since we have been here there have been five funerals.  Not surprising...there are lots of older people the same time..there are lots of kids, too.  But, the funerals are a big deal.  You see people gathering in the piazza, and the cars....the police show up to direct traffic....and close off the one street.  There are flowers strewn on the "hearse"....and then a slow procession through the main street to wherever the cemetary is.  One went by as we were ordering pizza several nights ago...a bit disarming.

This town, and probably many others, puts up "death notices" on boards around the town.  They are poster size.  People in cars stop to read them.  People on foot stop to read them.  Death is an accepted part of life here. was a wedding!  Five funerals and a wedding - was that a film? Something like that.... yes, today there was a wedding.  An evening wedding at about 6 or 6:30 PM.  Lucky couple.  They could not have chosen a more perfect day.  We have had several weeks of over 90 degree days...a bit hot...oppressive.  Especially for these parts.  But, we had rain yesterday and everything cleared and the temperatures plummeted.  Today the skies were blue with fluffy clouds and the temperatures were in the 70s.  It was an absolutely perfect day.

We happened to be walking up to the piazza just before the big event.  I got to see a Bentley drive up.  Women in long gowns.  RED!  Backless, skin tight...but with bodies to handle it.  Young men in suits with bow ties and patent leather loafers, sans socks.  Skinny pants.  Sunglasses.  The Italian studs.

I would have liked to stick around and see the bride (sposa) arrive, but we are getting old...and it had been a long rather than stand around for who knows how long...we opted to get a Prosecco at the café close to home and then proceed a casa.  The bride did not arrive for several more minutes after we got home....but we could hear the cheers of the crowd.

There were no bridesmaids.  There was no other "circumstance"....the wedding in the ancient church lasted all of ten minutes and then the bells were rung.  Here we are in the land of Catholicism...and there was no endless mass, no 3 or 5 or more bridesmaids...none of that nonsense....and off they went to wherever they were going for the big party afterwards.

We were sitting on the balcony, glass of wine, enjoying the light breeze of the perfect day...the gorgeous view....I hope this couple's luck follows them....buona fortunata.

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