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Monday, November 8, 2021

Nothing to kill or die for...and no religion too.

 I posted this on Facebook.  Social media is such a conundrum.  When I post ordinary, humdrum pictures or comments, I sometimes get loads of feedback.  Then, when I post something I think might spark some controversy, or at the VERY least, a bit of a conversation...some comments...I get.....crickets.  So, I posted this picture.  

It is a work of art done by a local artist here in my little hill town in Italy.  It is being displayed in one of the pharmacies in town because the municipality had a "drive" to showcase local artists....Penne has talent, if you will.  This particular artist's previous work ..the one displayed in the very same venue...was a rather brutal depiction of domestic violence.  It was difficult to look at, and yet, some very famous and important art has been "difficult to look at."  It wasn't my cup of tea, so to speak, but I appreciated the message.

Living in Italy for the last three years has opened my eyes to certain dichotomies.  There is a lot of magical thinking going on here.  Lots of churches, lots of people making the sign of the cross....while at the same time embracing "Babbo"...the Italian version of Santa Claus...and horoscopes....omigod...a really big thing here....and there are others..the Bufana..the witch of the's a long story....and makes no sense whatsoever.

So, here is the painting I shared to very little comment on social media.  I personally felt it merited some discussion, wonder, comment...especially emanating from a small hill town in nowhere, I share it here.  Feel free to add comments to the blog if you wish.

The title is "It was raining outside."

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